International student
If you are a full time student at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall we can help you sort out your housing. Our ambition is to be the leading supplier of student housing.
Good to know
Mitthem has approximately 650 apartments and rooms in shared apartments in Sundsvall for Mid Sweden University students.
To apply for student housing please use the student housing application form below.
You must be accepted to full time studies (total of 30 credits/semester or PhD studies) at the Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall.
Shared housing
We will offer a room in shared living in Nacksta for exchange/Erasmus students. If available we will offer you a furnished room on Nackstavägen 16 A or B. We can’t guarantee that we have furnished rooms available for everyone. We also have a few furnished apartments at Oscarsgatan.
In the shared living you have your own room and share kitchen and bathrom/WC with one or two other students. The rent is approximately 2000-3000 SEK for a room in a shared apartment.
Other students may rent their own apartment in one of our student areas Campus, Centrum, Oscarsgatan or Nacksta. Only those who will be studying at Mid Sweden University for more than one semester may rent their own apartment.
You can write on "Other information" on the application form if you wish to rent a specific type of apartment, share an apartment with a friend, or would like to add some other type of information with your application.
Rules and etiquette in shared housing
When you stay in a shared apartment we ask you to show respect to your flatmates and for example not play loud music. You have shared responsibility to clean all common areas. You can use the cleaning schedules we've put up in the apartments.
We do cleaning inspections of the common areas once every semester and may make unannounced inspections as well. We will never enter your own room without your permission.
- If you stay in a shared apartment it is not allowed to:Smoke indoors or on the balcony
- Have pets
- Stay more than one person per room
Studio apartments and larger
For those who have been admitted to studies for more than one semester in Sundsvall you can rent your own apartment. We mostly have one room (studio) apartments, but also some two room apartments (in Nacksta, Centrum and Oscarsgatan) and a few three room apartments (in Nacksta).
See a map and read here about our different areas.
Write on "Other information" on your application if you'd like to request a certain type of apartment or in a certain area.
- We will register you application and send you a confirmation by email with more information regarding the accommodation we have reserved for you.
- Confirm the reservation within five days.
- After you have confirmed the reservation we will send the tenancy agreement to your email for you to sign digitally.
There are furnished rooms on Nackstavägen 16 A and B. The furnished rooms have a bed, desk, chair, ceiling lamp and roller blinds.
There are also a few furnished apartments on Oscarsgatan. These apartments have a dining table with chairs, bed, armchair, small table, TV bench, TV, microwave, tableware (glass, plates, cutlery) and curtains.
All other student rooms and apartments are unfurnished.
Before you are going to move out from your apartment you need to cancel the tenacy agreement. The cancellation period is three months, counted from the upcoming turn of the month. If you wish to move out earlier you can write a requested date. This earlier date is only approved if the new tenant wants to move in earlier.
Frequently asked questions
Here are some frequently asked questions about living in a student apartment as an international student. Please let us know if you have any questions. You can contact us at
Water, heating and 2 mbit/s internet is included in all our student apartments and rooms. For rooms in shared apartments elecricity is also included.
If you're staying in your own apartment you pay for your electricity usage but you don't need to order electricity or activate it somehow before you move in. Electricity is already available when you move in and the cost for your usage will be added onto your monthly rent invoice.
Apartment number
Your apartment number is the last 1-4 digits in your tenement number, for example:XXXXXXXX-0
If you're moving to a room in a shared apartment you can also find your room number in the tenement number, for example:
You can find your tenement number in your tenancy agreement.
If you are going to do a national registration in Sweden or want to have mail sent to you, you use the other four digit apartment number. See the screenshot below on where you can find it in your tenancy agreement.
Which floor is my apartment on?
This can also be found in your tenancy agreement, in the field "Floor".
How do I pay the rent?
Each month you'll receive the rent invoice by email. The email is called "Hyresfaktura Mitthem".
It is very important that you pay the rent on time - if you don't pay the rent or if you are continuously late with your rent payments you may be evicted. Rent is paid in advance each month.
Unfortunately we're not able to send this invoice in English but you can read about the necessary details on the invoice below:
Details that are needed to pay the rent if you have a non-Swedish bank account:
- IBAN number – Written on the bottom half of the invoice.
- BIC/Swift code – Written on the bottom half of the invoice.
- OCR-number – A reference number that you need to include on your payment. This number is different on each month's invoice. It’s written on the top right corner of the invoice.
- Due date – "Förfallodatum", written on the top right corner of the invoice. This is the deadline for when the rent is due.
- Amount – You can find the total amount that you need to pay next to “Totalt” or below “Belopp Svenska kronor” at the very bottom of the invoice.
When do I pay the rent?
Rent needs to be paid in advance each month. The due date is the last bank day of the month previous to the rent's period. For example, the rent for January of 2023 was due on 30th of December 2022.
Can I pay the rent with credit card or cash?
No, we do not have an option for this.
Can I pay several rents at the same time?
Yes, if you're staying in a student room you can pay several rents together as one payment.
If you're staying in your own apartment you will get an electricity fee each month. Since this fee is different depending on your electricity usage you can't pay it in advance.
Payment with Revolut
When we receive payments that have been done with Revolut we can't see any details of whom or where it is sent from. It is therefore very important that you include the OCR-number as a reference, and ONLY the OCR-number since we can only the first 12 characters.
You need to book a time for key collection to your new student accommodation.
Contact customer service to book a time, at +4660-13 95 00 or email
All our student rooms and apartments have fiber internet. 2 mbit/s is the speed that's included in the rent but it's possible to order a higher speed via Servanet's website. You can translate their site with Google translate on top of their page.
If you need to write a Swedish personal identity number to order a higher speed you can instead send an email to the internet provider and inform them that you're an international student. They should be able to help you if you provide them with just your date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD).
When you move in
The speed 2 mbit/s is already active when you move in. However, a router or ethernet cable is not provided by us or Servanet, only the internet outlet (LAN port) that's in the apartment/room.
You will get both apartment keys and key tags.
The apartment key is for your apartment door and for your room, if you're renting a room in a shared apartment. On some of our addresses you also use your apartment key for your storage room.
The key tag is used to open the building's entrance door, to book a time for the laundry room and to open the laundry room during your booked time.
There are no washing machines in our student apartments – there are instead laundry rooms.
You book a laundry time in advance on the digital booking board outside the laundry rooms.
When you receive the tenancy agreement you'll receive a welcome letter along with it where you'll find more information about where the laundry rooms are located on your address.
No, but we have a "Borrow - use - return" storage where you may find some kitchenware (plates, pots etc.) to use during your stay. The "Borrow - use - return" storage is available in Nacksta only. It's located in the hallway outside the laundry rooms at Nackstavägen 18.
If you discover a problem in your apartment and you think it requires immediate attention (for example a water leak or electricity problem) you have to call +46 60-13 95 00 directly.
If the problem is not urgent you can send an email to or chat with Ebbot on our website.